How To Keep The Spice Alive In A Relationship

When it comes to relationships, there is the age-old adage that they can sometimes become mundane over time. Many relationships seem to simply lose their spark, this is simply part of the relationship process for many of us, but to be honest, it really does not have to be. There are several ways to spice up a relationship, even if it feels difficult for many of us to do.

Exhibit Enthusiasm
The true testament of love and a good relationship is a good amount of enthusiasm. Remember when you first started dating your significant other and you could not wait to see him/her? Do you also remember the way you acted, the way you treated them, and the way you felt about him/her? If so, channel these feelings and try to recreate them in your current relationship, even if you don’t feel as "excited" as you once did. The purpose of this exercise is to bring spice back into a relationship, so bring as much enthusiasm back as possible. Do what you need to do to bring your significant other closer to you and to make them feel loved. This is the true testament to bringing spice back into a relationship, finding that enthusiasm for the other person once again. If you ever had enthusiasm for them, you will definitely be able to have it again, it just might take a little work and effort. Start by looking at them in a positive light and attempt to forget about anything negative that happened in the relationship previously. This will breathe new life into your stale relationship and bring the two of you closer together. Even if you have to fake it at first, just do it, bring that loving feeling back! Soon enough, the longer you fake that enthusiasm you once had, a real dose of enthusiasm will start to come into play and you won’t have to fake anything after all.

Don’t Get Lazy With Your Appearance
The problem with long withstanding relationships is that they can become stale because too much comfort starts to take a hold of both parties. At the end of the day, the key to keeping the spice alive in a relationship is to stay independent of one other to a degree and then you both will be coming back to one another more rejuvenated and fresh. And, one of the best ways to come back better than before is to put as much effort into your appearance as possible. Putting effort into your appearance is showing your own self a high level of respect, as much as it is about respecting your significant other enough to look your best. This means that you should try and do what you can to look nice and presentable when you are around one other. Even on a lazy Sunday morning, put a little effort into the way you look. Take off those old sweatpants and clean up a bit. You will feel better about yourself as a whole, which is very sexy, and your significant other will notice this new found sexiness and a new spire to the relationship will soon follow. So, do your best to look nice and give them as well as yourself the most respect possible.

Have Fun and Practice Appreciation
This goes along with the enthusiasm concept. Remember to always have fun! Have fun in life and really appreciate your own life as well as your significant other as an individual. This appreciation and high level of gratitude goes a long way into spicing up any relationship. The point of a relationship is to make one another's life better, so start by making yourself the best person you can be. Improve yourself and your relationship will then be easier to fix. And, don’t ever take your significant other for granted, they are prized and amazing people, and you should make this clear to them on a daily basis.
