Legalization of Marijuana/Cannabis

As of late, there has been a lot of back and forth commentary on the idea of the legalization of Cannabis/Marijuana. The legalization of marijuana has already been passed in several states within the US such as Colorado, but the majority of states are either on the fence about legalizing marijuana, or they have simply not passed the amendment as of yet. In the state of Florida, where there are many highly skilled Miami drug possession attorneys, there is currently an ongoing battle between legalizing marijuana and not legalizing marijuana between state officials and even residents. In Florida, the amendment has recently reached the Florida Supreme Court and is being delegated upon. As it stands as of now, 48% of voters are for the legalization of cannabis, while 46% of voters oppose the amendment. The majority of democrats are for the legalization of cannabis for personal use.

The reason why this amendment is getting so much attention is due to the fact that many individuals rely on marijuana on a day-to-day basis because they are in horrible pain and they need it to live a happy and healthy life. But, the problem seems to be in the wording on the ballot, which is a little misinforming to the voter. Many voters simply do not understand what the amendment actually states because it is confusing to them. As it goes now, there is no definitive answer as to whether the legalization of marijuana will be passed in the state of Florida. The reality is that this is a very important issue and will affect many people if not passed in a sufficient amount of time. Even without the bill being passed, there is a Miami criminal defense attorney that is able to help those in need. People that might have gotten charged with marijuana possession should contact a Miami drug possession attorney to get their questions answered.

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