Why Putting Yourself First Is Necessary

"Learn To Love Yourself First, It Makes Everything Else Much Easier"  

When most people think of putting themselves first, they might view this as behaving selfish or self-absorbed, but the reality could not be further from this common thought process. When we as human beings decide to put ourselves first, we are adding to the world in an extremely positive fashion. The unfortunate fact is that many of us think that doing things over and over and over again for others is always a good thing, when in all actuality, it is not. When we do things for others, over and over and over again, without getting much, if anything in return, we are truly setting ourselves up for failure. While not always being aware of it, we are setting up resentments in our psyche for how we treat others and how we treat the world around us, but most of all, how we treat ourselves as individuals. Like the old adage goes, we cannot love another before we are truly able to love ourselves, and this could not be closer to the truth. We must respect ourselves first, love ourselves first, and know ourselves well enough to not take on anything that does not add value to our own lives. This aspect of well-being is vital for growth, balance, and peace. This is not to say that we should stay hidden and isolated and never do anything for others, but instead, it is that we should learn to put ourselves first and then, once we really feel we are able, and once we feel like what we are doing will not negatively affect our lives, we can and should start to help others in ways that feel comfortable to us.

This thought process is a decision that we must all make. It is a set of standards as such to live by which will only contribute to our well-being overall, instead of taking away from us until there is nothing left to give. In addition, this way of living is vital to all aspects of our lives including the relationships that we have with others which includes friends, family, and co-workers, but it is also important to remember this way of being as we raise our children. The reason why putting ourselves first is such a valid concept to raising children is that it teaches children to stand on their own, which only adds to their self-confidence levels as well as their self-worth as a whole. Children will follow the behavior patterns of their parents, so as a parent, you must remember to put yourself first and show your children that it is in their best interest to continue this behavior throughout their lives, this is in order for them to truly learn how to lead a successful and fulfilling life with the right people involved, instead of the wrong ones.

At the end of the day, we are our own best friend, we are with ourselves everyday, so we must cultivate the relationship we have with ourselves and not let helping others get in the way of this process. We must treat ourselves with respect and kindness day in and day out. We must take care of ourselves first, and who we are as individuals. We must give as much as feels comfortable, and absolutely no more. We don't want to sell ourselves short or anyone else for that matter by overextending ourselves time and time again. This will only lead to hardship and negativity for everyone involved, including the ones closest to us. Overextending ourselves for others also leads to disappointment and sadness in the long run. Remember, putting yourself first is a great blessing that we are all able to accomplish, but we must first make the right choices and put ourselves ahead of the pack, so that we can continue to be the best parents, lovers, and friends possible.

Embracing All Of You With Love & Kindness 
