Gallon Challenge

When it comes to saving money for the future, and teaching our children the importance of a dollar,
this is usually much easier said than done. With all the goods sold in stores today, it can be hard for
many of us to save any money at all. Thankfully, there is a fun way for us all get involved in saving
money together, and that is with the Gallon Challenge! The Gallon Challenge, started by Gianna
Brown, from, is a special online challenge that Gianna likes to call the,
“family affair of saving”. See, the way it works is simple. Everyone does their part to save their coins
in a gallon-sized jug. Adults save quarters, teenagers save dimes, and children save pennies.
The idea is that everyone, both young and old, will learn the great importance of saving their money.

What’s truly great about the gallon challenge is that it raises awareness for the financial aspects of
society that so many of us find problematic and confusing. Many of us want to believe that we are
good money managers, but the reality is that usually, that is just not the case. Many of us, especially
the teenagers and children of the world, have no idea what it means to save money, and this is why
the gallon challenge was created in the first place.

The exciting challenge also includes posting photos online with the hashtag #90daygp, which stands
for 90 day gallon challenge! Photos can be posted every 10 days, and once the 90 day period is over,
Gianna Brown will select a winner based on the best gallon challenge instagram story! So, do
yourself a favor and join in on the gallon challenge today! Not only will you learn the importance of
saving money, but you might also win a great prize!
